# Chris Aldrich - A [[person]]. - [[twitter]] twitter.com/chrisaldrich - [[go]] https://boffosocko.com - [[hypothesis]] https://hypothes.is/users/chrisaldrich - [[commonplace book]] https://twitter.com/ChrisAldrich/status/1392583610582986752 ## [[2021-06-28]] - [[ward cunningham]] started it all 10y ago - [[integrations]] - [[smallest federated wiki]] - [[wordpress]] - [[basic]], some - [[stack]] - [[chris aldrich]] - [[wordpress]] - [[wikimedia]] site - [[drupal]] - day to day notes in [[obsidian]] - [[wikilinks]] rendering from obsidian? - could be static site more than obsidian hosted - targetting [[indieweb]] friendly if not compatible - they're into their fourth or fifth standard w/w3c - [[maggie appleton]] has been talking about preferring transclusion - but link rot makes it so that data just disappears this way - the [[web mentions]] standard supports edit and update - [[micropub]] can range from medium-like posts (full blog posts) to bookmark posting - [[indieauth]] is an extension of [[oauth2]] - [[micro.blog]] - [[q]] what about static sites? - see [[indieweb wiki]] - when you do something with [[micropub]] or [[web mentions]] and static sites, you might need to trigger a rebuild - [[aaron parecki]] (oauth2 space, in w3c groups) - [[kevin marks]] - [[jeremy keith]] literally teaches people how to write html if you need to - is there something like the notion of a [[wikilink]] in these standards? - not that I'm aware of; all of this assumes html as a minimum starting set - [[microformats]] - [[pin13.net]] - [[granary.io]] - [[wikilinks everywhere]] - [[wordpress]] doesn't know what to do with them... but could - engineer from 101 in Germany (sp?) - pitch -